Ruby Star

St.Nicholas Tower

St.Nicholas TowerThe 70.4 metre (230 ft) St.Nicholas Gate -Tower was built in 1491 by PietroAntonio Solari and Marco Fryazin.From this gate, a road once led to a monastery (now destroyed) dedicatedto St. Nicholas, and there was a mosaic icon of the saint on the gateway.In 1812, the tower was blown up the French and badly damaged. It was restoredin 1816 under the direction of Osip I.Bove.At the same time, Luigi Rusca built the 15 metre (50 ft) high neo-Gothicsuperstructure, modeled on the 13th-15th century St. Mary's Church in Stargard(Pomerania; now Poland). The tower is crowned by a five-pointed star.

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