Terem Palace

Terem PalaceA cluster of golden domes is all that the ordinary visitor will see of this,the most splendid of the Kremlin's palaces. The original Terem Palace wasbuilt by a team of architects (Antip Konstantinov, Bazhen Ogurtsov, IvanSharutin and others) in 1635-36 for Mikhail Fyodorovich. There was muchalteration and rebuilding in the 19th century, as a result of which onlypart of the two long basement storeys survive from the original palace.Parts of the ground and first floors go back to Ivan III's palace, built by AlevisFryazin in 1499-1508.

BedchamberOn these two basement storeys, set back,is the cube-shaped residential block, also of two storeys, with a flatroof surrounded by a balustrade which served as a terrace.
In the basementstorey on the east side of the palace is one of the few rooms to survivein its original state, the Golden Chamber of the Tsaritsa, named afterits gilded decoration and wall-paintings. The interior decoration of theTerem Palace apartments has survived thanks to restoration work in the1830-1840s.

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